Sunday, January 31, 2010

Long Time

Guess I need to update my blog. A lot has happened since my last post - I have finalized my divorce (in which I lost custody of my lap dog German Shepherd), changed jobs - I am now the principal at Italy High School, and am still working on my doctorate. I promise to do a better job of keeping up with this.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


So I have created this blog for my class. Guess I will learn what all I have to post as I get further in. But I can at least start be letting you get to know me.

My name is Tanya (pronounced like TONYA - parents couldn't spell) and I am currently an Assistant Principal at Timberview High School. I have a daughter, Hailey who just started kindergarten and a son Michael who I am desperately trying to get through college. I have a German Shepherd who thinks he is a lap dog, and two cats. This is my second attempt at my PhD and I am DETERMINED to finish this time.

I look forward to this class and getting to know everyone.